Indigo Color Code Rgb

The color indigo with hexadecimal color code 4b0082 is a medium dark shade of blue magenta.
Indigo color code rgb. In a rgb color space hex 4b0082 also known as indigo is composed of 29 4 red 0 green and 51 blue. Purple rgb color code. Indigo binary color code. In the rgb color model indigo dye has red values 0 green value 65 and blue value 106.
Other color variants for purple. Indigo is a deep and rich color close to the color wheel blue a primary color in the rgb color space as well as to some variants of ultramarine based on the ancient dye of the same name the word indigo comes from the latin for indian as the dye was originally imported to europe from india. Indigo 4b0082 hex color code. In the hsl color space 4b0082 has a hue of 275 degrees 100 saturation and 25 lightness.
Html color indigo is easy to remember and useful to be replaced all along the html css code. The hexadecimal color code for indigo dye is 00416a and the rgb color code is rgb 0 65 106. This makes 256 256 256 16777216 possible colors. This color was named with the keyword indigo blue by the users.
In the hsl colour scale it has a hue of 203 2 degrees 100 0. Indigo rgb color code. This color has an approximate. In the rgb color model 4b0082 is comprised of 29 41 red 0 green and 50 98 blue.
Saturation and 41 6. Html color indigo is translated automatically to its rgb hex equivalent by the browser. Indigo hex color code indigo rgb color code indigo binary color code 4b0082. Html purple color codes.
The red green and blue use 8 bits each which have integer values from 0 to 255. Indigo hex color code 4b0082. Rgb color space or rgb color system constructs all the colors from the combination of the red green and blue colors. Indigo rgb color code.
Convert colour indigo blue to rgb hex pantone ral or cmyk. Saturation and 20 8. The hexadecimal rgb code of indigo color is 4b0082 this code is composed of a hexadecimal 4b red 75 256 a 00 green 0 256 and a 82 blue component 130 256. Purple hex rgb color code 800080 128 65536 0 256 128 128 0 128.